Development of international pilot courses
Wus med next to Montilivi students
Students of Montilivi High school thanks to the direction and interest of their teaching staff, has participated in HINGE project (How to win the challenge) led by the University of Aquila, with the support of WUSMED and the University of Girona.
Students Alexandru Pap, Andreu Fabra Rossell, Daniel González Cruz, Marc Arregui Vilà, Munawar Ahmed, Oscar Nuñez Hernandez, Pau Marc Fernández Barnada, Roger Radresa Tarrés left on May 6th until the 30th of this month sharing this one Experience along with university students:
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (Italy), University of Western Macedonia (Macedonia), University Stefan Cel Mare Suceava (Romania) and Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium).
All the students chosen have been the beneficiaries of this grant covering the expenses of accommodation, transportation and necessary days for the stay.
HINGE (How to wIN the challenGE internationalising EQF level 5”) is an ERASMUS + project who aimed to built a proposal of a Level 5 ICT program that can be recognized by all the partners in the project and proposed to the European Commission and the national partner administrations as a hinge international toll between level 4 and level 6.
One of the HINGE core activities has been the development of international pilot courses of the final international ICT level 5 program.